July 13, 2016 Minutes
Summary from July 13, 2016
Attending steering committee members: Chris, Erin, Ed
Total attendance: 21
• The State of the Park – Upper Noe Recreation Center
*** History of the park presentation
*** What is the shared vision for the park?
*** How has the community helped shape this asset?
*** How can we now ensure a vibrant future?
• ActiveNet – Rec & Park’s new system for program registration.
• Updates on neighborhood safety and transportation issues.
• General discussion of topics from the floor.
The State of the Park –
Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center Chair Chris Faust presented a slide show illuminating the history of the park and the surrounding neighborhood. Houses once completely filled the block that now contains the park. Gradually, they were moved or torn down. Joan Lionberger reported that her father’s house was moved in 1955 from the corner of Day and Sanchez. A picture showing a casual baseball game using a makeshift backstop at that location testifies to the need for recreational opportunities. Two years later, Upper Noe Recreation Center opened to the public. Since that time, the park has cycled through periods of disrepair and renovation through capital improvement. For instance, by the 1980s and 90s it was worn out, a mess. Faust stressed the need to end that cycle through steady care and regular maintenance.
Faust punctuated the presentation with details and discussion about the various visions for the park. He explained the history of the Rec & Park management organization that has supported it and shared his anticipation that we will be setting a new course with newly emplaced leadership under Area 5 Manager Carol Sionkowski. He talked about the importance of the Friends group. FNVRC raised considerable funds for the park and worked to ensure that City spending during the 2007 renovation targeted neighborhood concerns. That work continues in the day-to-day oversight and stewardship the park, and in special events that promote investment in the community.
While the current condition of the building and infrastructure is good to very good, it has been eight years since the renovation; we need to be on top of maintenance issues that are likely to plague us later. Paint and surface repair are two features that have an impact on customer experience and usability, and can stave off bigger problems. The exterior basketball and tennis courts, exterior walls and fences, and some interior areas should receive attention soon. The gardens, on the other hand, have languished under inconsistent staffing and care. The volunteer group, Ladybug Gardeners, has struggled to keep Rec & Park focused on our irrigation and maintenance issues.
A tight community organization is critical for keeping Upper Noe safe and in good shape. Faust urged neighbors to get involved and to speak up for their park by contacting Rec & Park directly or by calling SF Customer Service Center 311.
ActiveNet –
Rec & Park rolled out a new system for program registration and facility rental. Facilities Coordinator Cheryl Woltjen explained the changes families need to know prior to the August 13 Fall Session registration.
Neighborhood safety and transportation issues –
Ed Mason gave a brief summary of what is happening with tech shuttle bus. There are no updates on the Dolores and 29th stop but it looks like it is probably dead. SFMTA is asking citizens to propose hub locations.
Chris Faust reported that the City Attorney is working to get PG&E to inspect and repair the badly leaning utility pole at 30th and Chenery.