Upper Noe is one of San Francisco’s oldest neighborhoods, encompassing the southern part of the valley. “Upper” refers to the higher addresses of Church Street, from Cesar Chavez Street south beyond 30th Street to the end of Church at Randall Street.

Upper Noe overlaps and includes much of the Fairmount Tract, which runs south of 30th Street. Fairmount administratively was rolled into Glen Park when the city extended the northern boundary for the Glen Park neighborhood to 30th Street, the terminus of Chenery Street. Thus, the neighborhood of Upper Noe presently straddles the administrative boundary of Noe Valley and Glen Park. Many residents south of 30th Street consider themselves residents of Upper Noe. Our membership includes residents well beyond these boundaries and we are happy to call all of them neighbors.

As a matter of history,  in 1959 the Upper Noe Valley Neighborhood Council defined its boundaries as:
Clipper & Douglass to Dolores, over Dolores to 25th St., down to Mission, out Mission to San Jose, south on San Jose to Miguel, west on Miguel to Laidley Street, over Laidley to 30th street, to Castro, over Castro to Valley, Valley to Diamond and back to Clipper Street.

The green line is the 1959 boundary of Upper Noe Valley.
The blue line is the current boundary of Upper Noe.
The orange line and shading indicates the area of active Upper Noe Neighbors membership.