Upper Noe Neighborhood is active in many aspects of our community. View our Neighborhood Goals.

Below is a short list of accomplishments over the years and a list of our committees that welcome your participation.

  • Four-way stop signs on Noe at Day St
  • The Day Street mural at Upper Noe Recreation Center
  • Stopping city plans to run corporate shuttle buses on Dolores Street
  • Traffic light improvements at 30th and Dolores
  • Tree plantings under the guidance of Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF)
  • Increased street cleaning on Church Street
  • J-Church track replacement at 30th and Church to mitigate loud screeching
  • Rescinding of preemptive J-Church switching to improve safety
  • Success in retaining open spaces during development projects
  • Oversight of the renovation of Upper Noe Recreation Center
  • Promotion of the J-Church extension to Balboa Park
Ten Together wins 2019 NEN Award

Above: Dave Emanuel, Sam Shakur, Rafael Mandelman, Olga Milan-Howells, Chris Faust, Cheryl Woltjen

Ten Together – the Best Block Party in SF. Upper Noe Neighbors and Friends of Upper Noe Rec Center were at City Hall on March 6 to accept the 2019 Neighborhood Empowerment Network Award for Extraordinary Neighborhood Block Party. This has become an annual event at the rec center. View pictures of this event.


Our committees are open to all members and need active participation. Please contact one of our committee leads at hello@uppernoeneighbors.com for more information.

Finance: Tony Harris, Ryan Patterson, Judy Marrocco

Transportation: Bryan Klofas, Ed Mason, Chris Faust
Slow Sanchez subcommittee

Land Use: Andy Levine (chair), Ryan Patterson, Judy Marrocco

Membership: Erin Zielinski, Tony Harris

Communications: Chris Faust, Tony Harris

Events: Chris Faust, Judy Marrocco

Parks: Chris Faust (chair), Friends of Upper Noe Recreation Center
This independent committee raises funds, supports park activities, hosts events and plans volunteer days at Upper Noe Recreation Center at 295 Day Street. To helps with park activities and affect decisions about programming and facilities, please join.

Public Safety: Chris Faust

Emergency Preparedness: Tony Harris

Upper Noe Merchants: Judy Marrocco, chair; Chris Faust, liaison
This committee assists local businesses with communication, outreach and community promotion as well as tracking issues important to their concerns. See more at Upper Noe Merchants