October 2012
October 2012
Thanks to all who attended the meetings we’ve had this summer. In June we got a report from a sergeant at Ingleside Police Station on the recent rash of bike thefts in the neighborhood along with other break-ins. A number of tips were offered as to how we can protect ourselves and our property. You may get additional assistance via SF SAFE (Safety Awareness for Everyone), a terrific organization that partners with the SFPD to help residents protect themselves and their property. Their website is sfsafe.org
Also in June we heard from engineers for the Metropolitan Transportation Agency’s Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) on proposals for improving our beloved (?!) J line. These include eliminating or changing transit stops, eliminating unnecessary stop signs, redesigning some corners to include bulb-outs and adjusting lights to allow MUNI to go first. TEP is still in the process of getting input on the various ideas and will have refined proposals in a few months. Go to sfmta.org and click on TEP for more info.
And last but not least from our June meeting–an intriguing proposal from the Friends of the Noe Valley Rec Center who have applied for a grant to construct an outdoor classroom on the Sanchez Street side of the facility (see noevalleyreccenter.com).
UNN had a special meeting on July 18 at St. Philip’s Church, co-sponsored by Friends of Noe Valley, where the Regional Director for the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services spoke on the Affordable Care Act…a very timely discussion coming just after the Supreme Court deemed it constitutional. Herb Schultz gave a fascinating and easy-to-understand synopsis of the ACA (see healthcare.gov for more info).
And finally, UNN is looking for a few good people to become officers and help plan our group’s direction. This is NOT a lot of work! We would love to have a healthy mix of long-time and not-so-long-time Upper Noe residents participate in the UNN leadership. Contact me for more info.
That’s it for now. Stay tuned for the date of our next meeting…and thank you for supporting your neighborhood group!