DRAFT Slow Sanchez Community Guidelines

Now that SFMTA has extended the life of the Slow Sanchez project beyond the pandemic emergency order, the Slow Sanchez Committee of Upper Noe Neighbors proposes a set of community guidelines for using the street. These guidelines are meant to be voluntarily accepted by the community, as a way to reduce hazards and/or burdens on our neighbors, to make our Slow Street a safe and enjoyable shared space, and to elevate a sense of community/belonging in this neighborhood.

1. Please deposit your trash (including pet waste) in City trash receptacles.
2. Please keep noise to a minimum, particularly after 6:00 p.m. Talking in groups should be done away from neighbors’ windows.
3. Please be respectful of residents’ property and frontage. (For example, do not congregate on neighbors’ stoops, set up sales in front of homes, or post signs on trees, without the homeowner’s consent.)
4. Events on Sanchez Street (subject to required City permitting where appropriate) should occur on weekends between noon and 6pm.
5. Slow Streets are thoroughfares serving pedestrian and vehicle transportation. Please do not congregate or place furniture and other obstructions in the road.
6. For safety, please exercise caution and awareness of swiftly moving but silent bicycles, electric cars, e-bicycles and e-scooters.
7. Parents and caregivers are urged to provide supervision to ensure that children use Sanchez Street in a safe manner.
8. Please remember that vehicles retain the right of way on Slow Streets. Vehicles accessing the immediate block (e.g., residents leaving/returning home, delivery trucks or service vehicles conducting business at a building located on the block) must be allowed to use the road unimpeded.